Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Struggles of Dating

For being almost 25 I have had my fair share of relationships and can say that it doesn't get any easier the older you get. It may actually even be harder then it was when we were in high school. As crazy of a statement as it seems I will tell you why it has been harder for me.

I currently struggle to clearly express myself to others. In the past I have been great at communicating how I feel. Now, after being with someone for almost 3 years who couldn't and wouldn't do it themselves it seems that I have also clearly learned to do the same. This leads to mixed signals and even sometimes signs of not being interested when that is not actually the case. Definitely something I need to work on.

Facebook, Myspace, Texting......all bad ways to begin a relationship:
We are in a world of technology and often times we hide behind that to mask who we really are. We may not do it intentionally but how can you get to really know who someone is by just communicating in the 'Cyber' world? I find myself sending and receiving text messages, posts and emails that can be interpreted differently then their initial intentions. When you have those same conversations face to face you are able to better gauge the true meaning behind the conversation.

Place you meet Potential Dating Prospects:
If you are a drinker, where is the most common place you meet people? At Bars or Clubs. Half the time you are drunk, horny and looking for the 'special someone' that you can have a one night stand with. I know, it's harsh but more often then not men and women (yes women, we are not innocent of this act) brave the night for some good lovin. That being said, how is it possible to really meet someone of dating quality in that type of environment? There are other places to meet people: church, through friends, random run ins at a store, the gym, etc. but for me this never happens. I don't go to church, have kept the same group of friends who all have boyfriends, never go to the store to shop, and dread being picked up at the gym. So where does that leave me? Online dating? Well from the previous paragraph you can probably tell that is not for me either. See my dilemma?

Competition......Yes, I really did say it.
No matter what anyone tells you we are all jealous. There are different levels of jealousy not to mention ways in which to express it but it is in all of us. My jealousy lies in the competition. Yes I do check out other girls, Yes I try to pick out their flaws and compare myself and Yes, I be-friend those girls to know my competition. This is my personal struggle in the dating world because maybe I am so concerned about my competition and what they think that it takes away from my personality. (Note to self: Stop!)

Honestly, I could go on and on with this one. So if you have someone and you love them, hold on to them tight. Don't let go, seize each moment with them. Enjoy life and having someone to enjoy it with because when you are single and in the dating world it is not as fun as you think it may be. The grass is not always greener on the other side. It is not all fun and games. But there is one thing that I do know, even though love is a battlefield I am ready to wage war. Because after the war there is always a victory.

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